Monday, April 2, 2012


Stafford & Associates’ report identifies a variety of challenges to be faced by the city in respect to tourism yet the report is almost silent on the subject of cultural tourismat least in any direct or overt way. If the city/region is to win the benefits to be won by embracing cultural tourism as ‘a product’ there are additional challenges to be addressed other than those identified in the report. They would include: 
  1. Developing the perception that Launceston is a cultural tourism destination alongside other 'branding’ initiatives with the QVMAG being a key exemplar; 
  2. Encouraging the wider community and tourism entrepreneurs to include cultural tourism – directly or indirectly – as an aspect of their understandings of the 'tourism market' in the region as well as within their independent marketing initiatives; 
  3. Addressing the issue of the perceived lack of evening activities, cultural activities, via the encouragement of the development of a cultural calendar including evening activities that would include ‘museum events’ with a cultural focus held at the QVMAG’s campuses, the University of Tasmania plus other community venues; 
  4. Providing leadership in cultural tourism and proactively seeking out cultural tourism advocates to facilitate and promote cultural tourism initiatives for the city and region; 
  5. Addressing the variable levels of professionalism in the region relative relative to cultural tourism and the effective delivery of cultural tourism products; and 
  6. Working collaboratively with regional Councils, Tourism Tasmania, Arts Tasmania, the National Trust and other appropriate organisations, towards developing and enhancing cultural tourism ‘products’ and opportunities in the city/region.

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